Perseverance is cool.

I tried (oh I tried) to get Erin to change the time period to modern times.  It would be a different animal, but one that's film-able on a budget.  She stuck to her guns and we kept looking.  Another week of this and I was very close to convincing her, but we had one more place to look at.  The very last place I thought of was one I'd dismissed as un-shootable: Prospect Park.  We walked...  And walked and walked and walked...  Until we found a spot that was overlooking a lake.  People were far enough away on the other side that, if I left the background out of focus, you wouldn't be able to tell they were modern, mostly bearded, bike riding Brooklynites.  Golden hour light would be beautiful.  We could make this work!

The end.

Just kidding; it's not the end AT ALL. 

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